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Black Hat SEO vs White Hat SEO

Posted: 16 January, 2018 | Comments (0)




Search Engine Optimization or SEO is an eminent part of the online marketing strategy for any business. Its importance can be noted from the fact that it can be the reason for success or failure of a company. Due to this reason, a lot of organizations are seeking to improve their SEO strategies and keep themselves updated on the latest trend from the world of SEO.


Differences between Black Hat SEO & White Hat SEO


The basic difference between Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO is in the use of backlinks. Black Hat SEO users look for quick and unfair methods to get results. Their basic objective is to make some quick bucks without providing any value to the audience. This approach is spammy and the users are likely to get penalized. White Hat SEO, on the other hand, takes a long time approach that doesn’t involve penalty.

Website owners and SEO experts who use White Hat SEO build their SEO strategies in a way that is compliant with the search engine regulations. The strategies involve researching quality content, web design and relevant meta tags.

Black Hat SEO uses methods which are contrary to the search engine’s guidelines. Search engines frown upon such methods and eventually they catch the culprits and penalize them by banning their service or site. Black Hat SEO comprises of blog comment spam, keyword stuffing, link farming, cloaked pages and the like.


6 Major SEO Trends You Need To Focus On In 2018

Posted: 27 December, 2017 |


Every New Year brings with a lot of advances in the internet community. Considering this factor, you must keep yourself updated with the latest SEO trends. Staying updated on the latest trends in the field of SEO helps you stay ahead of the curve. With the new year just around the corner, let us take a look at the latest SEO trends that we can expect in 2018.


#1. Meaningful Content

In our fast-paced life, no one has the time to read lengthy and boring content. Users rather focus on web pages which provide interesting and short articles. Hence, it is suggested to publish helpful and short articles on your site. You can do this by creating good content yourself or simply hiring a professional content writer to do it for you.

#2. Pictures & Videos


Contents with pictures and videos get more response from users compared to those without them. Social Media cares much more about the post with pictures and users instantly share such posts and like them. This makes your posts more popular. Therefore, in 2018, along with good content make sure to create good pictures and videos for your posts.

#3. Voice searches

Voice search has become a favoured choice for people, especially for those who are looking for things online on their mobile devices. The amount of effort and time it takes to type on the small screen devices has been replaced by voice search. The usability of voice search in mobile devices makes it a really convenient feature. Hence, its use is expected to grow considerably in the next year too.

#4. Responsive Web Pages


With the growing use of mobile devices and tablets to browse the internet, it has become the need of every website builder to create responsive web pages that fit well in the screens of all devices. This trend is expected to continue in 2018.

#5. Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages are another factor that is in great demand now. Smooth user experience and fast page load make a website stand out. This is the reason why many business owners nowadays want AMPs webpages. This makes it one of the SEO trends, companies should follow in the coming year.

6#. Backlinks

Millions of content are being generated every single day. This makes it really tough for search engines to determine the relevant contents from the irrelevant ones. This is where backlinks come into the picture. Backlinks help search engines to know if certain contents are authentic or not. The year 2018 will see a growth in the amount of content generated. This makes backlinks really important.



What You Need to Know About Social Media and Search Engine Optimization

Posted: 20 December, 2017 | Comments (0)



The digital world has progressed at a super-fast pace in the last few years. Social Media has evolved and so has SEO. Integrating social media and SEO strategies is a totally different ball-game now compared to what it was a few years back. With the latest update in the major search engine (Google) algorithm, SEO has evolved far more than just keywords and links. Although a lot has changed in terms of SEO and Social Media, a few things do remain the same.

Regardless of the fact that social signals are not as significant as they used to be for ranking, when used properly, Social Media can still reap you the benefits. To help you make the best use of Social Media to enhance your SEO efforts, here are some tips that can make your social media and SEO efforts worthy.

• Optimize your social profiles and posts


Considering the fact that social media channels are search engines too, you need to curate your social profiles and posts in a way that is search-friendly so that people can find you easily. Every time you create a social account or write content for your post, keep SEO in mind.

• Use hasthags the right way


Make sure you understand what hashtags actually are before you start using them. Hashtags are how people search for content on sites like Instagram and Twitter. Using them in an appropriate way can help you get found easily.

• Mention and tag other pages


One of the best strategies to get noticed in Social Media is to tag and mention other pages in your post. This strategy, if used the right way, can amplify your post and make other users engaged. The more the engagement, the better are your chances of getting shared and driving more traffic to your website.


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